Birthday Crowns for First Grade

$ 2.00

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Birthday Crowns

Easy to prepare, Birthday Crowns printables for your First Grade students

that will make them feel special for one day.

With colorful ready-to-print crowns in pink and blue colors.

All you need is to print, cut, write the student’s name, and staple the band to the crown.

Another option is a black and white crown version, for students’ birthday coloring activity,

making their own crown.

The crowns got the age number 4,5, or 6 and the title “Happy Birthday.”

** Directions included (see preview)

*** Bonus – Birthday colored strips or coloring black and white to use as bracelets, bookmarks, or other uses.



  1. Print the crown on card-stock size: 8.5 x 11 inches.
  2. Color (black and white version), write the student’s name.
  3. Cut out.
  4. Staple the band to the crown.