Coloring Pages Booklet – My Fruit Tree

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My Fruit Tree – Coloring Booklet

My fruit tree booklet suitable for grades 1-2.
Acquaintance with fruit trees through coloring activity.
The students will color the fruits in the tree according to the written signs on each page,

and color the sign’s title for their writing skills.

Then they will make their booklet.

  • The booklet size is a half letter (140mm X 216mm) in black and white.
  • Ready to print in a PDF

1. Lemon tree
2. Orange tree
3. Appletree
4. Peartree
5. Plumtree
6. Fig tree
7. Avocado tree
8. Grapefruit tree
9. Mango tree
10. Cherry tree

  • It can be used perfectly with a tree, fruit theme, or unit.
  • It can be used as wall decoration.
  • Great activity for homeschooling.
  • Photos of all the above trees attached (CC0)